
  • 영화 분석 映畵分析, film analysis
    Faust, 1926)에 대한 에릭 로메르(Eric Rohmer)의 분석 등을 들 수 있다. 정신분석학적인 분석은 지그문트 프로이트(Sigmund Freud), 자크 라캉(Jacques Lacan) 등의 이론을 바탕으로 영화에 숨겨진 의미를 찾는 데 치중한다. 알프레드 히치콕(Alfred Hitchcock)의 영화에서 관음증과 절시증을 읽어내는 분석이 정신...
    도서 영화사전 | 태그 영화
  • Jacques-Alain Miller
    Cause) and the World Association of Psychoanalysis which he presided from 1992 to 2002. He is the sole editor of the books of The Seminars of Jacques Lacan. Miller's career began early, interviewing Jean-Paul Sartre in 1960 when he was sixteen years old. At the time he was in khâgne at the Lycée...
  • 조르주 바타유 Georges Bataille, ジョルジュ・バタイユ
    Nick. The Thirst for Annihilation: Georges Bataille and Virulent Nihilism Nancy, Jean-Luc, The Inoperative Community . Roudinesco, Élisabeth, Jacques Lacan & Co.: a history of psychoanalysis in France, 1925-1985, 1990, Chicago: Chicago University Press. Roudinesco, Élisabeth, Jacques Lacan...
    도서 위키백과
  • Jacques Derrida 자크 데리다, ジャック・デリダ
    on structuralism at Johns Hopkins University, his work began to gain international prominence. At the same colloquium Derrida would meet Jacques Lacan and Paul de Man, the latter an important interlocutor in the years to come. A second son, Jean, was born in 1967. In the same year, Derrida...
  • 퀴어 이론 Queer theory, クィア理論
    끼친 이론가들은 Gloria Anzaldua, Audre Lorde, Monique Wittig, Jonathan D. Katz, Ester Newton, Andy Warhol, Roland Barthes, Jacques Lacan, Louis Althusser, 그리고 Jacques Derrida이며, 퀴어 이론의 발달에 큰 목소리를 낸 이들은 Gayle Rubin, Kaja Silverman, D.A. Miller, Sue-Ellen Case, Douglas Crimp...
    도서 위키백과
  • 자기애 방어 Narcissistic defences, 自己愛的防衛
    않을 것이다’라고 느끼는 아웃사이더들(eccentrics)은 사실 고통스런 마음을 털어내고 현실로 돌아가는 데에 실패한 사람들이라고 말한다. 자크 라캉(Jacques Lacan)은 자아가 동일시의 결과라는 프로이트의 관점에서 벗어나, 자아는 주체가 되어가는 과정에서(in the coming-into-being of the subject) ‘자기애적...
    도서 위키백과
  • Jacques
    French composer of classical music Jacques Kallis (born 1975), South African cricketer Jacques La Degaillerie (born 1940), French fencer Jacques Lacan (1901–1981), French psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Jacques Landry (born 1969), Canadian cyclist Jacques Loeb (1859–1924), German-born American...
  • Jacques Schotte
    century. He was a close friend of the philosopher of art, Henri Maldiney, and of the Swiss psychiatrist, Roland Kuhn. He was very close to Jacques Lacan too and attended his Seminars. He is also the one who introduced the theory of mediation in Belgium, creating lasting relationships between the...
  • Jacques Hassoun
    Jacques Hassoun (1936–1999) was a French psychoanalyst and proponent of the ideas of Jacques Lacan. Hassoun developed a theory of depression. He also developed a reparative theory of transmission. He wrote about certain pathologies in children of immigrants. He examined the special problems they...
  • Television/A Challenge to the Psychoanalytic Establishment
    Television/A Challenge to the Psychoanalytic Establishment is the 1990 English-language translation of Jacques Lacan’s text "Télévision" accompanied by a "Dossier on the Institutional Debate". The single volume thus includes two distinct projects which were separately translated. In 1973, the...
  • Scilicet Scilicet (journal)
    Scilicet is an academic journal that was established in 1968 by Jacques Lacan as the official French-language journal of the École Freudienne de Paris. Published by Éditions du Seuil, it appeared intermittently until the double issue of 1976. The title was revived in 2006 to distribute...
  • Lacanianism
    Lacanianism is the study of, and development of, the ideas and theories of the dissident French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan. Beginning as a commentary on the writings of Freud, Lacanianism developed into a new psychoanalytic theory of humankind, and spawned a world-wide movement of its own...
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