
  • Lacanian Ink
    philosophy and contemporary art. A distinctive element of its contents is the dissemination of the work of French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, whereby the seminars given by Jacques-Alain Miller at Paris VIII on Lacanian theory have become available in English. From its inception Slovene...
  • Antoinette Fouque
    participated in the literary journal Cahiers du Sud. Between 1965 and 1969, she read Italian manuscripts for Éditions du Seuil. Fouque read Jacques Lacan before reading Sigmund Freud.With the French writer and feminist Monique Wittig, Josiane Chanel and many others, Fouque was active since 1968...
  • World Association of Psychoanalysis
    Jacques-Alain Miller in Buenos Aires on 3 January 1992. It was declared in Paris, four days later, on 7 January. Its statutes are modelled on Jacques Lacan's "Founding Act" and adopt the principles outlined in his "Proposition" on the Pass. The World Association of Psychoanalysis groups together...
  • Post-structuralism
    Writers whose work is often characterised as post-structuralist include Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Judith Butler, Jacques Lacan, Jean Baudrillard, and Julia Kristeva, although many theorists who have been called "post-structuralist" have rejected the label.Existential...
  • Scopophilia
    to look at an object in order to 'feel along with him'". He also explored how looking could substitute for acting in those anxious to avoid guilt.Jacques Lacan subsequently drew on Sartre's theory of the gaze to link scopophilia with the apprehension of the other: "the gaze is this object lost...
  • Léon Chertok
    Sinai Hospital in New York, in a psychosomatic unit directed by the psychoanalyst Lawrence Kubie. When back in France he underwent analysis with Jacques Lacan from 1948 until 1954. From 1948 to 1949 he worked as an assistant for Marcel Montassut at the psychiatric hospital in Villejuif. In 1950...
  • Characters of Xenogears
    concepts, notably of Freudian and Jungian psychology. There is also an important character bearing the name of French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan. The most obvious allusion involves the nature of the game's protagonist, Fei Fong Wong, whose Freudian Id, ego and super-ego are discussed at length...
  • The Matrixial Gaze
    Gaze. Feminist Arts & Histories Network, ISBN 978-0-9524899-0-0 It is a work of feminist film theory that examines the gaze as described by Jacques Lacan. Beginning in 1985, Ettinger's artistic practice and her articulation of her ideas culminated in what she called the matrixial theory of trans...
  • List of École Normale Supérieure people
    Pierre Bonnet Paul Celan John Coates Victor Cousin Numa Denis Fustel de Coulanges Jacques Derrida Alfred Des Cloizeaux Laurent Freidel Jacques Lacan Ernest Lavisse Alfred Kastler, 1966 Nobel Prize in Physics Thomas MacGreevy Jacqueline de Romilly Jean-Pierre Serre, 1954 Fields Medal Dates of...
  • 20th-century French philosophy フランス現代思想
    for many of the significant developments in linguistics in the 20th century. He is widely considered the 'father' of 20th-century linguistics.Jacques Lacan (1901–1981) was specifically interested in the philosophy of psychoanalysis. He could be said to be relevant to the more modern foundations...
  • Hegemony discursive theory Laclau-Mouffe
    application of post-structuralism to political measurement. Novelty of the theory, by Žižek, consists in conceptual similarity of Real idea by Jacques Lacan with idea of antagonism by Laclau-Mouffe and in possibility of its use for studying of society and ideology. Žižek treats the political...
  • Daniel Paul Schreber
    the closing chapters of his theoretical magnum opus Crowds and Power to a reading of Schreber. Finally (though by no means exhaustively), Jacques Lacan's Seminar on the Psychoses and one of his écrits "On a Question prior to Any Possible Treatment of Psychosis" are predominantly concerned with...
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Jacques Lacan
라캉(Jacques (Marie Emile) Lacan)