
  • Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe
    philosopher. He was also a literary critic and translator.Lacoue-Labarthe was influenced by and wrote extensively on Martin Heidegger, Jacques Derrida, Jacques Lacan, German Romanticism, Paul Celan, and Gérard Granel. He also translated works by Heidegger, Celan, Friedrich Nietzsche, Friedrich...
  • The Pass The Pass (psychoanalysis)
    The Pass is a procedure that was introduced by Jacques Lacan in 1967 as a means of gathering data on a psychoanalysis and investigating its results. It was adopted as an institutional procedure in the École freudienne de Paris and later in the World Association of Psychoanalysis. Historical...
  • Alan Sheridan
    translator. He has translated works of fiction, history, philosophy, literary criticism, biography and psychoanalysis by Jean-Paul Sartre, Jacques Lacan, Michel Foucault, Alain Robbe-Grillet, Robert Pinget and many others. He was the first to publish a book in English on Foucault's work and has...
  • Shoshana Felman
    such as Paul de Man.Her writing is characterized by an expansive awareness, use, and engagement with contemporary theorists and critics.Jacques Lacan is a vital influence on Felman and she was among the vanguard of theorists—and perhaps foremost among those addressing Anglophone audiences—to...
  • Structuralism 구조주의, 構造主義
    and architecture. The most prominent thinkers associated with structuralism include Lévi-Strauss, linguist Roman Jakobson, and psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan. As an intellectual movement, structuralism was initially presumed to be the heir apparent to existentialism. However, by the late 1960s...
  • Janine Chasseguet-Smirgel
    the totality of the group, thereby conferring on himself an omnipotent ego, a colossal body. (The ego ideal p.85) While Chasseguet-Smirgel saw Jacques Lacan as a pseudoscientific fraud, one of her central arguments, that the formation of the ego ideal is the infant's response to the discovery...
  • Gender studies 젠더학, ジェンダー研究
    though there are many other contributors to the field of gender studies with different backgrounds and opposing views, such as psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan and feminists such as Judith Butler.Gender is pertinent to many disciplines, such as literary theory, drama studies, film theory, performance...
  • Obiwu
    African Literature: Essays in Honor of Michael J. C. Echeruo. Eds. Maik Nwosu and Obiwu. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2015. 1-21. "Jacques Lacan in Africa: Travel, Moroccan Cemetery, Egyptian Hieroglyphics, and Other Passions of Theory." In The Critical Imagination in African...
  • Cahiers pour l'Analyse
    of the journal appeared between 1966 and 1969. According to its official website the Cahiers were "guided by the examples of Georges Canguilhem, Jacques Lacan and Louis Althusser" (all instructors at the ENS during this period). Edited by a small group of Althusser's students at the Ecole Normale...
  • The Purloined Letter
    well be conceived of that curious play of two minds in one person."Poe's story provoked a debate among literary theorists in the 1960s and 1970s. Jacques Lacan argued in Ecrits that the content of the Queen's letter is irrelevant to the story and that the proper "place" of the signifier (the...
  • Psychoanalytic literary criticism
    narrative or poetic structure itself, without requiring access to the authorial psyche (an interpretation motivated by French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan's remark that "the unconscious is structured like a language"). Or the founding texts of psychoanalysis may themselves be treated as literature...
  • Sylvia Bataille
    Georges Bataille and Sylvia separated in 1934 but did not divorce until 1946. Starting in 1938, she was a companion of the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan with whom, in 1941, she had a daughter, Judith, today Judith Miller. Sylvia Bataille married Jacques Lacan in 1953.A pupil of Charles Dullin...
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Jacques Lacan
라캉(Jacques (Marie Emile) Lacan)