Objet petit a 小文字の他者In the psychoanalytic theory of Jacques Lacan, objet petit a ("object little-a") stands for the unattainable object of desire. It is sometimes called the object cause of desire. Lacan always insisted that the term should remain untranslated, "thus acquiring the status of an algebraic sign...출처 영어 위키백과
The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysisof Psychoanalysis is the 1978 English-language translation of published in Paris by Le Seuil in 1973. The text of the Seminar, which was held by Jacques Lacan at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris between January and June 1964 and is the eleventh in the series, was established by Jacques...출처 영어 위키백과
Foreclosure Foreclosure (psychoanalysis)Foreclosure (also known as "foreclusion"; ) is the English translation of a term that the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan introduced into psychoanalysis to identify a specific psychical cause for psychosis. According to Élisabeth Roudinesco, the term was originally introduced into psychology...출처 영어 위키백과
Béla Grunbergerby the pseudonym, Lacan remarked that for sure none of the authors belonged to his school, as none would stoop to such a low drivel.Jacques Lacan, The Seminars of Jacques Lacan, Seminar XVI D'un Autre à l'autre, 1968-9, p.266 The authors in turn accused the Lacan School of "intellectual...출처 영어 위키백과
The Instance of the Letter in the Unconscious, or Reason Since FreudThe Instance of the Letter in the Unconscious, or Reason Since Freud is an essay by the psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, originally delivered as a talk on May 9, 1957 and later published in Lacan's 1966 book Écrits.Lacan begins the essay by declaring it to be "situated halfway" between speech and...출처 영어 위키백과
Lack Lack (manque)In Jacques Lacan's psychoanalytic philosophy, lack is a concept that is always related to desire. In his seminar Le transfert (1960–61) he states that lack is what causes desire to arise. Lack first designated a lack of being: what is desired is being itself. "Desire is a relation to being to...출처 영어 위키백과
Moustafa Safouanhe went to Paris to study philosophy in 1946. After entering analysis with Marc Schlumberger, he underwent a training analysis with Jacques Lacan in 1949. He attended Lacan's seminars in the early 1950s, though was forced to stay in Egypt for several years after Nasser came to power. Returning to...출처 영어 위키백과
Jouissancekind of pleasure linked to the division and splitting of the subject involved. In Lacanian psychoanalysis English editions of the works of Jacques Lacan have generally left jouissance untranslated, to help convey its specialised usage. Lacan first developed his concept of an opposition between...출처 영어 위키백과
Demand Demand (psychoanalysis)In the theory of Jacques Lacan, demand represents the way instinctive desires are inevitably alienated through the effects of language on the human condition. The concept of demand was developed by Lacan in parallel to those of need and desire to account for the role of speech on human...출처 영어 위키백과
Néstor Braunsteinand psychoanalytic texts into Spanish. Works and ideas Braunstein recognizes the following authors as the main influences on his thought: Jacques Lacan, Sigmund Freud, Friedrich Nietzsche, Louis Althusser, Jorge Luis Borges, Jacques Derrida, Slavoj Žižek and Giorgio Agamben.His works have dealt...출처 영어 위키백과
The SymbolicThe Symbolic (or Symbolic Order) is a part of the psychoanalytic theory of Jacques Lacan, part of his attempt "to distinguish between those elementary registers whose grounding I later put forward in these terms: the symbolic, the imaginary, and the real — a distinction never previously made in...출처 영어 위키백과
Philosophy of desireLtd., 2004, page 22. In the Buddhist perspective, the enemy to be defeated is craving rather than desire in general. Psychoanalysis Jacques Lacan's désir follows Freud's concept of Wunsch and it is central to Lacanian theories. For the aim of the talking cure—psychoanalysis—is precisely to...출처 영어 위키백과