
  • École Freudienne de Paris
    The École freudienne de Paris (EFP) was a French psychoanalytic professional body formed in 1964 by Jacques Lacan. It became 'a vital — if conflict-ridden — institution until its dissolution in 1980'. Early history In 1953 conflict within the Paris psychoanalytical society had reached such a...
  • Jean-Claude Milner
    fields of endeavour are linguistics (which he studied with Roland Barthes) and psychoanalysis (through the teaching and friendship of Jacques Lacan). In 1971, Milner was at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he translated Noam Chomsky's Aspects of the Theory of Syntax into French...
  • Élisabeth Roudinesco
    French academic psychoanalyst. She is head of research in psychoanalysis at University of Paris VII – Denis Diderot since 1991. Biographer of Jacques Lacan, Roudinesco wrote history books about the French Revolution, philosophy and judaism, and psychoanalysis. Her last book, a biography of...
  • The Ego in Freud's Theory and in the Technique of Psychoanalysis
    Psychoanalysis is the 1988 English-language translation of published in Paris by Le Seuil in 1977. The text of the Seminar, which was held by Jacques Lacan at the Hospital of Sainte-Anne in Paris between the Fall of 1954 and the Spring of 1955 and is the second one in the series, was established...
  • David Macey
    and intellectual historian of the French left. He translated around sixty books from French to English, and wrote biographical studies of Jacques Lacan, Michel Foucault and Frantz Fanon.Neil Belton, , The Guardian, 2 November 2011Neil Belton and Peter Osborne, , Radical Philosophy 171 (Jan/Feb...
  • Lacanian movement
    The Lacanian movement comprises the various followings of the innovative but dissident French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan. Lacanianism began as a philosophical/linguistic re-interpretation of Freud's original teachings. How far it subsequently became an independent body of thought has been, and...
  • Sublimation Sublimation (psychology), 昇華 (心理学)
    object as such is lost. It will never be found again. Something is there while one waits for something better, or worse, but which one wants’Jacques Lacan, The Ethics of Psychoanalysis 1959-1960 - The Seminar of Jacques Lacan - Book VII, p. 52 and again ‘[Das Ding] is to be found at the most as...
  • Afterwardsness
    de la psychanalyse, Ed.: Hachette, 2005, ISBN 2-01-279145-X ; International dictionary of psychoanalysis. Thomson Gale, Detroit, 2005. Jacques Lacan, Écrits, Paris, Seuil, 1966, ISBN 2-02-002752-6. Jacques Lacan, Le Séminaire Livre I Les écrits techniques de Freud, 1953-1954, Paris, Seuil, 1975...
  • Juan-David Nasio
    as a doctor Nasio completed his residency as a psychiatrist at the hospital in Lanús. He emigrated to France in 1969 where he worked with Jacques Lacan. He was a professor at the University of Paris VII Sorbonne for 30 years from 1971 and is considered one of the foremost commentators on...
  • John Forrester John Forrester (historian)
    1995). Much of his research was devoted to the history of psychoanalysis and the life and work of Sigmund Freud; he also studied the work of Jacques Lacan for many years, including co-translating two of Lacan's Seminars. His PhD thesis was became his first published book, Language and the Origins...
  • François Regnault
    the Lycée Louis-Le-Grand, and then the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) beginning in 1962 where he attended the seminars of Louis Althusser and Jacques Lacan and was a member of the editorial board of Cahiers pour l'Analyse beginning with its inception in 1966. Regnault taught at the Lycée de...
  • François Perrier François Perrier (psychoanalyst)
    and psychiatry in Paris; and became a psychoanalyst after a first analysis with Maurice Bouvet, a second with Sasha Nacht, and a third with Jacques Lacan. As a Lacanian, he became one of the so-called 'three musketeers' of leading disciples, to be known as the 'troika': Serge Leclaire, Wladimir...
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