Laura MulveyVisual and Other Pleasures, as well as in numerous other anthologies. Her article, which was influenced by the theories of Sigmund Freud and Jacques Lacan, is one of the first major essays that helped shift the orientation of film theory towards a psychoanalytic framework. Prior to Mulvey, film...출처 영어 위키백과
Maud Mannonimoved to France in 1949, where she married Octave Mannoni. While in Paris, she made contact with Françoise Dolto, and had further analysis with Jacques Lacan, supporting him during the 1953 split, and again after that of 1963, along with her husband Octave, Serge Leclaire, and Jean Clavreul. On...출처 영어 위키백과
Freudo-Marxismwhich he saw as dehumanizing and bureaucratic social structures that resulted in a virtually universal modern phenomenon of alienation. Jacques Lacan was a philosophically sophisticated French psychoanalyst, whose perspective came to predominate in French psychiatry and psychology. Lacan saw...출처 영어 위키백과
Catherine Clémentreceived a degree in philosophy from the prestigious École Normale Supérieure, and studied under such luminaries as Claude Lévi-Strauss and Jacques Lacan, working in the fields of anthropology and psychoanalysis. A member of the school of French feminism and écriture féminine, she has...출처 영어 위키백과
Jean-Luc Nancy ジャン=リュック・ナンシー, 讓-呂克·南希s first book, published in 1973, was Le titre de la lettre (The Title of the Letter, 1992), a reading of the work of French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan, written in collaboration with Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe. Nancy is the author of works on many thinkers, including La remarque spéculative in...출처 영어 위키백과
Piera Aulagnierinterpretative violence, pictogram and originary process. Biography Aulagnier was born in Milan in 1923.She underwent training analysis with Jacques Lacan from 1955 to 1961. In 1969, Aulagnier, Jean-Paul Valabrega and François Perrier created the Organisation psychanalytique de langue française...출처 영어 위키백과
Marilyn CharlesAssociation's Division 39 (Psychoanalysis). Marilyn Charles has published articles and books on numerous topics, including trauma, Jacques Lacan, Wilfred Bion, creativity, and madness. She is on the staff at Austen Riggs Center, a co-chair of the Division 39 Early Career Committee, and a...출처 영어 위키백과
Luce Irigarayshe also received a Diploma in Psychopathology from the school in 1962.In the 1960s, Irigaray started attending the psychoanalytic seminars of Jacques Lacan and joined the École Freudienne de Paris, directed by Lacan.She later gained a PhD in Linguistics, and eventually a second PhD in Philosophy...출처 영어 위키백과
Antoine VergoteParis where he studied with Levi-Strauss, attended the lectures of Merleau-Ponty, and completed his analytic training under the direction of Jacques Lacan. Psychoanalysis and religion Vergote was a former student of the French psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan and played an important...출처 영어 위키백과
Uncannytale folk-devils, and subsequently often become scapegoats we blame for all sorts of perceived miseries, calamities, and maladies.After Freud, Jacques Lacan, in his seminar 1962–1963 "L'angoisse" ("Anxiety"), utilized the Unheimlich "via regia" to enter into the territory of Angst. Lacan showed...출처 영어 위키백과
Interpellation Interpellation (philosophy)social forces, rather than acting as powerful independent agents with self-produced identities. Althusser's argument here strongly draws from Jacques Lacan's concept of the mirror stage.Althusser's concept has been roundly confused over the last decades with concepts associated with Michel...출처 영어 위키백과
Salimullah KhanFanon, Claude Lévi-Strauss, Edward Said, Aime Cesaire, Talal Asad and many others.Khan has translated the works of Plato, James Rennell, Jacques Lacan, Charles Baudelaire, Frantz Fanon, Dorothee Sölle into Bengali. He is associated with a number of organisations such as Center for Asian Arts and...출처 영어 위키백과