Peter SchumannPeter Schumann (born 1934) is the founder and director of the Bread & Puppet Theater. Born in Silesia, he was a sculptor and dancer in Germany before moving to the United States in 1961. In 1963 he founded Bread & Puppet in New York City, and in 1970 moved to the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, eve...출처 영어 위키백과
클라라 슈만 Clara Schumann, クララ・シューマンund besseren Salonmusik". In Friedrich Wieck: Gesammelte Schriften über Musik und Musiker [...], pp. 15–49. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang (2019). ISBN. 언어링크. Rattalino, Piero: Schumann. Robert & Clara. Varese: Zecchini Editore . ISBN. 언어링크. 위키인용집 , 클레어 플린 저, 아일랜드 국립...도서 위키백과
교향곡 3번 (슈만) Symphony No. 3 (Schumann), 交響曲第3番 (シュ..12월 9일까지 작곡되어 1851년 2월 6일 뒤셀도르프에서 슈만 자신이 지휘한 초연으로, "무조건 칭찬에서 당혹에 이르기까지" 다양한 평가를 받았다. 그러나 Peter A. Brown에 따르면 청중들은 모든 악장 사이에 박수를 보냈다. 슈만은 평생 동안 실내악, 성악, 교향악 등 다양한 음악 장르를 탐구했다. 슈만은 이미 1832...도서 위키백과
Robert Schumann 로베르트 슈만, ロベルト・シューマンfilm about the lives of Clara and Robert. Daverio, J, "Robert Schumann," Grove music online, L Macy (ed), accessed 24 June 2007 Ostwald, Peter, Schumann – The inner voices of a musical genius, Northeastern University Press, Boston, 1985 ISBN 1-55553-014-1. Scholes, Percy A, The Oxford Companion...출처 영어 위키백과
Schumann 슈만, シューマン1953), Australian singer, songwriter, guitarist, formerly in Redgum Melissa Schuman (born 1984), American singer and actress Peter Schumann (born 1934), theater director Robert Schumann (1810–1856), German composer Tom Schuman, American jazz musician Walter Schumann (1913–1958), American sound...출처 영어 위키백과
Symphony No. 4 Symphony No. 4 (Schumann)289 457 591-2). (Used for publication dates of both versions, other details; also used tempo indications of 1841 version from liner notes.) Peter Ostwald, Schumann: The Inner Voices of a Musical Genius. (Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1985.) ISBN 1-55553-014-1. (Used p. 246n. on Brahms...출처 영어 위키백과
Manfred Manfred (Schumann), マンフレッド (シューマン)wrote that the Overture was written during a time when Schumann was facing "exquisite suffering" from "inner voices," or auditory hallucinations.Ostwald, Peter F. (1987). Schumann: The Inner Voices of a Musical Genius. UPNE, ISBN 978-1-55553-014-3 List of compositions by Robert Schumann via IMSLP출처 영어 위키백과
Conrad Schumann コンラート・シューマン, 康拉德·舒曼dropping his PPSh-41 submachine gun and was promptly driven away from the scene by the West Berlin police. West German photographer Peter Leibing photographed Schumann's escape. His picture has since become an iconic image of the Cold War era and featured at the beginning of the 1982 Disney film...출처 영어 위키백과
Symphony No. 3 Symphony No. 3 (Schumann)trombones, timpani and strings. It premiered on 6 February 1851 in Düsseldorf, conducted by Schumann himself, and was received with mixed reviews, "ranging from praise without qualification to bewilderment". However, according to Peter A. Brown, members of the audience applauded between every...출처 영어 위키백과
하룬 파로키 하룬 엘 우스만 파로키, Harun FarockiSarah Schumann, 독일, 1978, 중편) <두 전쟁 사이에서>(Zwischen zwei Kriegen, Between Two Wars, 독일, 1978) <"두 전쟁 사이에서"에 관하여>(Zu "Zwischen zwei Kriegen", On "Between Two Wars", 독일, 1978, 단편) <빌딩 1-2>(Hauser 1-2, Buildings 1-2, 독일, 1978, 단편) <취침시간 이야기 1-3 / 고양이 이야기...
- 출생 :
- 1944년 1월 9일 체코 노비지친
- 사망 :
- 2014년 7월 30일 독일 베를린
- 본명 :
- 하룬 엘 우스만 파로키(Harun El Usman Faroqhi)
- 수상 :
- 2007년 로카르노국제영화제 심사위원상(<기억들>)
- 데뷔 :
- 1978년 <두 전쟁 사이에서>(Between Two Wars, 독일)
Elisabeth Schumann 엘리자베트 슈만, エリザベート・シューマンBagdad (Peter Cornelius) Marguerite, Faust (Gounod) Marie, Zar und Zimmermann (Albert Lortzing) Marzellina, Fidelio (Beethoven) Micaëla, Carmen (Bizet) Mignon, Mignon (Thomas) Mimì, La bohème (Puccini) Musetta, La bohème (Puccini) Najade (Naiad), Ariadne auf Naxos (Richard Strauss) Nanette...출처 영어 위키백과
Behind the Lines Behind the Lines (John Schumann ..John Schumann – lead & backing vocals, acoustic guitars, percussion Hugh McDonald - lead & backing vocals, acoustic & electric guitars, bass, mandolin, violin, mandocello, dobro, keyboards, percussion Dave Folley - Drums, percussion Kat Kraus - lead and backing vocals Mark Kraus - audio Special...출처 영어 위키백과