요코하마 시사이드라인 横浜シーサイドライン, 橫濱海岸線회사 정보 주식회사 요코하마 시사이드라인은 일본 가나가와현의 철도 기업이다. 1983년 4월 22일: 설립. 1989년 7월 5일: 가나자와 시사이드 라인이 개통. 2007년 3월 18일: PASMO 도입. 2011년 2월 26일: 2000형 전동차를 도입. 가나자와 시사이드 선: 10.6 km 1000형 2000형도서 위키백과
Hadang 하당신도시Hadang(in Hangul:하당신도시) refers to the newly built urban area in Mokpo, Jeollanam-do of South Korea, which aims at accommodating increased population near Muan International airport and movement of provincial office. Before announcement of the transfer of office, Mokpo city initially intended...출처 영어 위키백과
Kanazawa Seaside Line 요코하마 신도시 교통 가나자와 시사이드 선, 横浜..The is a people mover line operated by which operates between Shin-Sugita in Isogo Ward to Kanazawa-Hakkei in Kanazawa Ward in Yokohama. It opened on July 5, 1989.The operator company was called until the name change on October 1, 2013. Line data Total length: 10.6 km Number of stations: 14...출처 영어 위키백과
Gwanggyo 광교신도시Gwanggyo refers to a planned city surrounding Yeongtong-gu of Seongnam and Suji-gu of Yongin. Gwanggyo is located 25 km south away from Seoul in Suwon city and Youngin city, Gyeonggi province. Gwanggyo newtown area 11 square kilometers was designated in 2004 by Gyeonggi Province, Suwon city...출처 영어 위키백과
Metropolitan Intercity Railway Company 수도권 신도시 철도..The is a third-sector railway operating company in Japan. It was established on 15 March 1991 to construct the 58.3 km Tsukuba Express (then known as the Jōban Shinsen) commuter railway line from in Tokyo to in Ibaraki Prefecture. The Tsukuba Express line was opened on 24 August 2005...출처 영어 위키백과