
  • Robert Schumann International Competition for Pianists and Singers
    in Schumann's birthplace every 3/4 years since. Prize Winners Piano Year 1956 1st prize 2nd prize 3rd prize (ex-a.) Annerose Schmidt Irina Sijalova Lidia Grychtołówna Mikhail Voskresensky 1960 No piano category No piano category No piano category 1963 1st prize 2nd prize (ex-a.) 3rd prize Nelly...
  • Robert Schumann's Davidsbündlertänze
    four couples, the ballet draws on the life of Schumann, in particular his reunion with Clara Wieck after a 16-month estrangement in the year of its...von Aroldingen Suzanne Farrell Kay Mazzo Heather Watts Adam Lüders Jacques d'Amboise Ib Andersen Peter MartinsDarci Kistler Sara Mearnsfirst time...
  • Christian Schumann
    14, 1983 in Freiburg (Germany) - ) is a German symphony conductor.Schumann was trained as a pianist, then completed his studies in conducting and...Weimar, Germany and simultaneously was influenced by various mentors like Peter Eötvös, Pierre Boulez, Vladimir Jurowski, George Hurst, Gustavo...
  • 실내악 체임버 뮤직, 室內樂
    사람에게도 고도의 집중력을 요구한다. 하이든(Franz Joseph Haydn), 모차르트(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart), 베토벤(Ludwig van Beethoven), 슈베르트(Franz Peter Schubert), 브람스(Johannes Brahms), 슈만(Robert Alexander Schumann), 차이콥스키(Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky), 드뷔시(Claude Achille Debussy...
    유형 :
    분야 :
  • 에라스무스상 Erasmus Prize, エラスムス賞
    1978 인형극: La Marionettistica of the Napoli brothers Ţăndărică of Margareta Niculescu Théatre du Papier of Yves Joly Bread and Puppet of Peter Schumann 출처 1979 디 차이트, 노이에 취르허 차이퉁 1980 니콜라우스 아르농쿠르, 구스타프 레온하르트 1981 장 프루베 1982 에드바르트 스힐레베이크스 1983...
    도서 위키백과
  • 제56회 베를린 국제 영화제 56th Berlin International Film Fe..
    수상 이안 맥켈런 수상 이사벨라 - 피터 캄 수상 더 마인더 - 로드리고 모레노 수상 마이클 볼하우스 수상 Laurence Kardish 수상 위르겐 뵈처 수상 Peter B. Schumann 수상 한스 헬무트 프린츨러 수상 종이 인형 - 토머 헤이먼 수상 러브 디스 타임 - 라이스 그레이엄 수상 사랑스러운 맥시모 올리베로스...
    도서 위키백과
  • Peter Rybar ペーター・リバール
    especially Robert Schumann's Violin Concerto (with the Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne directed by Victor Desarzens) and other works by Schumann for violin and piano (with Hélène Boschi). Peter Rybar taught first at the Conservatory of Winterthur and then at the Conservatoire de Genève. Peter...
  • Bread and Puppet Theater
    Puppet) is a politically radical puppet theater, active since the 1960s, currently based in Glover, Vermont. Its founder and director is Peter Schumann.The name Bread & Puppet is derived from the theater's practice of sharing its own fresh bread, served for free with aioli, with the audience of...
  • Peter Leibing
    Peter Leibing (1941 – November 2, 2008) was a German photographer known for his 1961 photographs of escaping East German border guard, Conrad Schumann jumping a barbed wire fence during construction of the Berlin Wall. Leibing was born in Hamburg in 1941. On 15 August 1961 Leibing, working for...
  • Friedrich Wieck
    vicious rumours against the couple. He sent copies of his court documents to every city where Clara was planning to give concerts.Ostwald, Peter, Schumann, p. 155 When she traveled to Hamburg and Berlin to perform, he sent letters claiming that Clara's playing had declined. Striking an emotional...
  • Peter Pears ピーター・ピアーズ
    and Schumann's Liederkreis to critical acclaim. He continued to perform until a stroke ended his singing career in 1980 shortly after the celebrations marking his seventieth birthday. After that he remained an active director of the Aldeburgh Festival, and taught at the Britten-Pears School which...
  • Paradise and the Peri 楽園とペリ
    and the Peri was the vehicle for Gabrielle Krauss's first important appearance, in Vienna in 1858, when she was not yet 16 years old. Sources Peter Ostwald, Schumann: The Inner Voices of a Musical Genius (Boston: Northeast University Press, 1985). ISBN 1-55553-014-1. pp. 182–3. John Daverio...
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