일반 라우팅 캡슐화 GRE, 一般-네트워크를 통한 보안 터널을 형성하기 위해 IP 위에 암호 루틴을 삽입해 만들어지는 암호화 과정. 점 대 점 터널링 통신 규약(PPTP) 등의 원격 접근 서버(RAS) 서비스의 선결 조건이 된다.
Graduate Record Examinations GRE, GRE (시험)The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is a standardized test that is an admissions requirement for most graduate schools in the United States. Created and administered by Educational Testing Service (ETS) in 1949, the exam aims to measure verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, analytical writi...출처 영어 위키백과
GRE GRE (company)GRE (株式会社 ゼネラル リサ-チ オブ エレクトロニックス General Research of Electronics, Inc.) was a Japan-based multinational manufacturer of electronics equipment, primarily in the fields of radio and other telecommunications. Their products included transceivers, radio scanners, antennas, ...출처 영어 위키백과
THE IDOLM@STER 765PRO ALLSTARS+ GRE@TEST BEST! THE IDOLM@STER 765PRO ALLSTARS+ GRE@TEST ..'THE IDOLM@STER 765 PRO ALLSTARS+ GRE@TEST BEST!' (아이돌마스터 남코 프로 올스타즈 플러스 그레이티스트 베스트)는 2013년 9월 18일부터 일본 컬럼비아에서 발매된 게임·애니메이션 'THE IDOLM@STER'의 베스트 앨범 시리즈. 모두 4매. 'MASTER OF MASTER', 'BEST OF 765+876=!!'에 이은, 베스트 앨범 시리즈 제...도서 위키백과
GRE Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology TestGRE Subject Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology is a standardized exam provided by ETS (Educational Testing Service). It is a paper-based exam and there are no computer-based versions of it. ETS places this exam three times per year: once in April, once in October and once in November. Some...출처 영어 위키백과
GRE Physics TestThe GRE physics test is an examination administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS). The test attempts to determine the extent of the examinees' understanding of fundamental principles of physics and their ability to apply them to problem solving. Many graduate schools require applicants...출처 영어 위키백과
GRE Psychology TestThe GRE Psychology subject test is a standardized test used in admission decisions by some graduate programs in psychology in several English-speaking countries, especially in the United States. There are three major components to this test: (1) Experimental, (2) Social, and (3) Other areas. The...출처 영어 위키백과
GRE Mathematics TestThe GRE subject test in mathematics is a standardized test in the United States created by the Educational Testing Service, and is designed to assess a candidate's potential for graduate or post-graduate study in the field of mathematics. It contains questions from many fields of mathematics...출처 영어 위키백과